Network performance view - simple tools

Network performance view - simple tools

Use TCPING to view how your network is performing

TCPING is a unique tool that packs a lot of tools into a small application. It’s a console application that works like the built-in Windows ping, but it’s much more powerful and can provide you a lot more information. I use the version written by Eli Fulkerson from his web site at the following link.  You can use this tool to get a glimpse your network performance.

I’m not going to write a lot about the tool because it can all be found at that site; however, feel free to comment if you have any questions. 

Download the tcping.exe file and place the file in your C:\Windows\System32 folder.  Then you will be able to run an Administrative Command Shell window and run the command form any location.  

The Usage is listed on that site and you can also get it from the command line by typing tcping /?

So, maybe you want to see how your network is performing between two devices, or just your overall network? 

Here is an example of a command line execution

tcping -4 -d -t -j localhost 2638

This would just ping my machine on port 2638 and the output would come to screen.  If you want to capture that output to a file, he has a mechanism in the tool but I found it easier to just use some ole DOS knowledge and add some parameters to the end like follows: (make sure the location in the command window that you have rights to save a file before proceeding) 

tcping -4 -d -t -j localhost 2638 >File.txt

When the above is executed the output is written to a file, and it looks like nothing is happening.  If you want you can use Baretail to open the File.txt and watch the pings.  When you want this to stop simply press Ctrl-C a few times in the window and you should get the statistic summary also in the file.

Here is the meat of what you are looking for

Ping statistics for

     93 probes sent.

     93 successful, 0 failed.  (0.00% fail)

Approximate trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 0.231ms, Maximum = 1.431ms, Average = 0.490ms

Jitter: Minimum = 0.002ms, Maximum = 0.919ms, Average = 0.208ms

You want to see all of the probes being successful, less than 1ms average for trip times and a low average for jitter – if you are seeing failed probes, higher than 1ms trip times and high jitter averages, you may want to have a professional take a look at your network. If you see failures you can review the file and it will show you the date and time the failures occurred which may help you pin point what is happening.  

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