❑Almost every Screen Page (Form) within the Micro Key Millennium Series (MKMS) - whether used for data entry, look-up, or printing a report - also has an associated Form Name.
•The associated Form Name may, or may not, be displayed as the Form's Title, when the Form is viewed within the MKMS program.
•Why is this important?
✓Form Names are used to assign Security & Access Management Rights to Employees by using the Employee Groups and/or the User Access Rights Forms,
•Form Names, along with the permitted Forms Based Access Rights, are used to identify the specific assignment of Access Rights (Create, Read, Update, Delete, and/or Audit) to Screen Pages.
✓Based on selected Form Names and the permitted Forms Based Access Rights, the Employee Groups Form allows you to define specialized sets of Form Names and associated Access Rights which may then be assigned to specific Employees (by assigning the Employee to the appropriate Employee Group on the Security tab of the Employees Form).
✓So, knowing the actual Form Name, and for what, and where the associated Form is used, allows the System Administrator to accurately permit or deny specific types of Forms Based Access Rights to each of these Forms.
➢Important Note: Several of the Form Names listed below have "No longer used" in the Reference Link, Purpose and/or Function column.
o In many cases you will not have these Form Names listed in either the User Access Rights or Employee Groups Maintenance Forms.
o However, in other cases you may find that one or more of these "No longer used" Form Names are included in those Forms.
o It does no harm to provide, or exclude, Access Rights to these Form Names if any are included in your installation.
❑All of the Form Names the system's Context ID #, the Module(s) in which they are found, and a Reference Link plus their Purposes or Function are identified in this chart.
•These Form Names are also listed in the User Access Rights and Employee Groups Forms.
Form Name | Context ID # | Module | Reference Link, Purpose and/or Function |
About | | Micro Key Millennium Series applications and utility programs | The About box is accessed from the Main Menu of all applications by Choosing Help and then Selecting About and provides Version Numbers and other application related information (see Introduction for a sample). |
Access Activity Report | tbd | Access Control Systems | There are many Form Names that begin with the word Access, all of which pertain to Access Control Systems which are Under Development. |
Access Control Card Format Maintenance | tbd | Access Control Systems | Under Development |
Access Control Card Set Maintenance | tbd | Access Control Systems | Under Development |
Access Control Class Code Maintenance | tbd | Access Control Systems | Under Development |
Access Control Door and Readers Maintenance | tbd | Access Control Systems | Under Development |
Access Control Holiday Maintenance | tbd | Access Control Systems | Under Development |
Access Control Holiday Maintenance (Main) | tbd | Access Control Systems | Under Development |
Access Control Input/Output Maintenance | tbd | Access Control Systems | Under Development |
Access Control IO Rules | tbd | Access Control Systems | Under Development |
Access Control IO Rules Encoder | tbd | Access Control Systems | Under Development |
Access Control Keypad Maintenance | tbd | Access Control Systems | Under Development |
Access Control Logicals | tbd | Access Control Systems | Under Development |
Access Control New Controller Definition | tbd | Access Control Systems | Under Development |
Access Control Output Group Maintenance | tbd | Access Control Systems | Under Development |
Access Control Schedules Maintenance | tbd | Access Control Systems | Under Development |
Access Control Subscriber Card Sets | tbd | Access Control Systems | Under Development |
Access Control Systems | tbd | Access Control Systems | Under Development |
Access ControlDoor Groups Maintenance | tbd | Access Control Systems | Under Development |
Access Groups Maintenance | tbd | Access Control Systems | Under Development |
Account Approval Types | 1560 | This is the Account Approval Types Maintenance Form used to define those Action Steps that will/may be required when a Proposal is reviewed in the New Account Approval Form. | |
Account Register | 129 | This is the Account Register dialog which allows a User to filter and select a range of General Ledger System Financial Transactions posted to one specified General Ledger Account Number, and - based on a specified Date Range, various User definable Filters, and/or Search By criteria - look up the original document (e.g., Invoice, Receipt, Bill, Payment, Refund) that created the Transaction and then print (or export) a report of those specifically selected General Ledger Account Transactions. | |
Account Templates | 101 | This is the Account Templates Form used in the Mass Account Creation process. | |
Account Testing | 90400 | This is the Account Testing Form used to define a Subscriber's Recurring System Test Signals requirement. | |
Account Testing Lookup | 538 | This is the Account Testing Lookup dialog accessed from the Panel Connections Menu on the Sub Info (F2) Form in MKMSCS | |
Account Type | 102 | This is the Account Type (maintenance) Form used to classify the Types of Subscriber Accounts each premises represents (e.g., Commercial, Residential, Industrial) and is primarily used by Operators within the Central Station Monitoring module. | |
Accounting Audit Report | 112 | This is the Accounting Audit Report dialog which provides a selectable list of any (or All) changes made to Sales Invoices, Receipt Allocations, Vendor Bills and Payment Allocations, after the initial posting process was completed. | |
Accounting Information | 943 | This is the Accounting Receivable Info Section on the Subscribers Form which may be opened as an unattached, separate Form, if needed. This is useful when the User needs to simultaneously view more than one of the tabs on the Subscribers Form. | |
Accounts Payable Summary | nlu | No longer used. | |
Accounts Payable Summary Report | nlu | No longer used. | |
Accounts Receivable Funding | nlu | No longer used. | |
Accounts Receivable Report Summary Dialog | nlu | No longer used. | |
Accounts Still Opened or Closed | 92500 | This is the Accounts Still Opened or Closed report dialog that lists those Accounts that are still opened, or still closed, beyond their predefined supervised Events time "window"? | |
Acquisition Form | tbd | This is the Acquisitions Form which is an optional feature provided for those companies that want to record detailed information relating to Accounts that were acquired through a buy-out or direct purchase agreement. | |
Action Plans | 144 | This is the Action Plans Maintenance Form which is used to define custom - step-by-step - Alarm Processing procedures replacing the standard Operator Guided Responses. | |
Active Alarm Groups Widget | 1182 | This is the Active Alarm Groups Widget Form which provides a list of each Alarm Processing Group (Alarm Group) and the number (Count) of Operators (Users) currently available to process Alarm Signals for each of those Groups. | |
Active Operator Skills Widget | 1183 | This is the Active Operator by Skills Group Widget Form which displays a list of all of the Operator Skills sets which have been previously defined (see Operator Skills in the Central Station Monitoring section), and shows the Number (Count) and Names(Users) of Operator(s) who are currently Processing Alarm Signals and who have been assigned to those Operator Skills sets within the Operator Skills tab of the Employee Form. | |
Active/Passive Accounts | 195 | This is the Active Accounts report dialog (the report is required from those companies that are providing UL® Grade Monitoring Services) which lists the Total of all Active Account, and/or the detailed listing of those Accounts. | |
Add Document | 21201 | This is the actual Add Documents dialog opened from within the Documents Form which allows certain types of electronic documents (and or the location of those documents) to be selected and linked to a Subscriber, Prospect, Job Costing and/or Vendor record. | |
Add Employee Rates | tbd | No longer used. | |
Add New Account | 426 | This the Add New Account dialog accessed from within the Panel Tests dialog used to place an Account on Test. | |
Add/Delete Users | 559 | This is the Add/Delete Users Form which is used to identify which Form Names each User may access and the Access Rights they will have when they do. This Add/Delete Users Form may only be accessed by the User known as Admin. | |
Additional Restoral Information | 96401 | Any number of Additional CSID Restoral Zone Information records may defined in the Restoral Information section of both the CSID Zones and the CSID Zone Overrides Forms. | |
ADI Parts Import | 227 | This is the ADI Parts List Import Form which allows those companies, using ADEMCO® as a major Parts and Inventory supplier, to selectively import that Inventory List directly into their Sale-Purchase Items Form. | |
Alarm Activity | 91800 | This is the Alarm Activity Report dialog which provides many options to selectively Choose the Alarm Signal Activity that will be listed. | |
Alarm Conditions Codes Maintenance Form | 117 | This is the Alarm Conditions Codes Form that is used to define the reasons or purposes for which Alarm Signals are transmitted from a Subscribers Control Panel to the Central Station's Receiver(s). | |
Alarm Group Maintenance | 119 | This is the Alarm Group Maintenance Form that is used to transfer selected monitored Subscribers from, and/or to, one of the Alarm Processing Groups. | |
Alarm Groups | 121 | This is the Alarm Processing Groups Form which is used to define each of those that are assigned within the Alarm Group Maintenance Form. | |
Alarm History | tbd | User Access Rights to this Alarm History Form Name is required to view the results of an Alarm History Summary report (see below). ▪These User Access Rights may be made available in the User Access Rights Form, or may be inherited by being a member of an Employee Group that has the rights to this Form - that Employee Group assignment having been made within the Security tab of the Employees Form. | |
Alarm History Lookup | 120 | This is the Alarm History Lookup dialog which allows a User to locate (based on several search method options), view, and Manually Add Detail to the Alarm History Detail, as required. | |
Alarm History Summary | 92300 | This is the Alarm History Summary report menu option which provides access to the many options to selectively choose the Alarm Activity data that will be listed. The User must also have User Access Rights to the Alarm History Form to view the results of an Alarm History Summary report. | |
Alarm History Summary by Dealer | 101000 | This is the Alarm History Summary by Dealer report dialog which is intended for those companies that provide Central Station Monitoring Services for other Alarm Dealers. | |
Alarm Signal Detail | tbd | For users of the special MKMSCS application that simply provides reports of Alarm Activity without providing the means to respond to Active Signals, this is the Alarm Signal Detail Form that provides a similar functionality to that of the Alarm History Lookup dialog. | |
Alarm Stack List Form | tbd | This is the Operator Skills Form that allows you to define the various types of Operator Skills which can then be assigned to Employees, who are Operators, on the Operator Skills List tab. | |
Alarm Stack List Report | 104000 | This is the Operator Skills List Report dialog that provides a list of each of the monitoring related Operator Skills which have been recorded in the Employee Form's Operator Skills List tab for all of the Company's Operators. | |
Alarm Tickets | 91900 | This is the Alarm Ticket report dialog which is used to produce a detailed report of exactly what was done while an Operator processed an Alarm Signal. | |
All Events | 90370 | This is the All Events Report dialog which can list every Alarm Signal received by the Central Station - within the specified Date Range - and with the special Formatting options you may select. | |
AP Credits Issued Report | 54700 | This is the Credits Issued report used within the Accounts Payable System to see what Credits were Applied to which Bills within the Date Range you've specified. | |
Appointment Editor | 128 | This is the Appointment Editor Form accessed from within the Technician Scheduling Form. | |
Appointment Status | 330 | This is the Appointment Status Form (accessed from the Service Options tab on the Users Options Form) used to define various Status Categories for Service Appointments and to Color Code the description of each Appointment Status. | |
AR Widget | 1179 | This is the AR Chart Widget Form which displays a Summary of the Monies - the Accounts Receivable - that Subscribers Owe to your Company. | |
Area Codes Maintenance Form | nlu | No Longer in Use. | |
Areas | 129450 | This is the Areas Form (found in the Monitoring Tab as an Areas tab in the Subscriber Panels section) which is used to define an Area or Partition within a Subscriber's Alarm System. | |
As Of Accounts Payable | nlu | No Longer in Use | |
As Of Accounts Receivable | nlu | No Longer in Use | |
As Of Accounts Receivable By Division | | No Longer in Use. | |
Asset Breakdown Widget | 1184 | This is the Asset Breakdown Widget Form which provides a Bar Chart that displays the 5 General Ledger Accounts with the greatest Asset value - based on the Department(s) selected in its Configuration Option Form. | |
Assign Contracts | 343 | This is the Assign Contract Form which will be displayed - (if the Contract Tracking System has been activated (the AssignInvoiceToContract option is set to True ("T") in the Company Settings Form) - when Converting a Proposal to an Invoice and/or are Generating an Invoice for a Service Request(Work Order). | |
Assign SaleItem Groups | 133 | This is the Sale Item Group Assignment Form which is used to facilitate the assignment of Sale Item Groups to Sale-Purchase Items. | |
Attrition Report | 134 | This is the Attrition Report dialog which will provide clear, valuable and up to the minute information about your Recurring Revenue and account base stability. | |
Attrition Types | 135 | This Attrition Types Form is used to codify the type of reasons why Recurring Revenues are acquired and/or lost. | |
Audit Report | 350 | This is the Audit Report which allows you to specify the Date Range to be reported, the data entries, processes, and changes that occurred (e.g., Forms, Employees, Accounts), and the Type of the Data Related Events that are to be included in the report | |
Auto Billing Setup | 3351 | This is the Automatic Billings Setup Wizard which allows an authorized User to establish the rules which are to be implemented when using the totally automated billing process. | |
Auto Draft | 12840 | This is the Auto Draft Setup Form that is used to define how a Subscriber's Recurring Revenue Invoices may be paid automatically using a Credit Card, or Bank Electronic Funds Transfer (see EFT and see Auto Draft Pre-Approved Payments). | |
Auto Draft Accounts Report | 127000 | The Auto Draft Accounts Report dialog provides access to a list of whichever types of these Auto Drafts you need to see. | |
Auto Draft Preprocessing | 347 | This is the Auto Draft Pre Processing Form that provides the means to validate, and if necessary Correct, then Update the predefined Auto Draft information before executing the Auto Draft Pre-Approved Payments process. | |
Auto Draft Preview | 377 | This is the Auto Draft Preview Form which is used to inspect the predefined Auto Draft information associated with Recurring Revenue Invoices before actually executing the Auto Drafting of Pre-Approved Payments procedure. | |
Auto Service | 141 | This is the Auto Service dialog which is used to automatically create the Service Request Work Orders for the Subscribers who have a Recurring Service Requirement defined. | |
Average Recurring Revenue | 142 | This is the Average Recurring Revenue Report dialog which is designed to help track your Recurring Revenues by amount and category. | |
Balance Sheet Report Dialog | 410 | This is the Balance Sheet report dialog provides a Balance Sheet(i.e., a report listing the Assets, Liabilities and the resulting net Equity for a specified As Of Date, Month and/or Year for any Financial Transactions that were posted after the Set-Up Wizard for the General Ledger System was successfully executed. | |
Balance Sheet Comparison | 1191 | This is the Balance Sheet Comparison report provides a Balance Sheet (i.e., a report listing the Assets, Liabilities and the resulting net Equity for a User specified Month and/or Year for any Financial Transactions that were posted after the Set-Up Wizard for the General Ledger System was successfully executed. | |
Bank Account Balance Widget | 1185 | This is the Bank Balance Widget Form which displays a Grid showing the Current Balance as listed in of the Bank's Transaction Register Form (Balance may also be found in each Bank Account record defined in the Bank Maintenance Form). | |
Bank Deposits | 145 | This is the Bank Deposits From which is used to identify which Receipt(s) have been/will be deposited into which Bank(s). ▪Refer to the Bank Deposits - Depositing Receipts in the Bank and the Receipts chapters for those recommended procedures. | |
Bank Maintenance Form | 146 | This is the Bank Form where you identify the Bank Accounts into which your Receipts will be deposited, from which Payments will be made, and where you define the Electronic Funds Transfer information for any Banks where these types of transactions are used. | |
Bank Transaction Form | 148 | This is the Bank Transaction Form which allows for entries that do not normally have a Sales Invoice or Bill for documentation. Although General Ledger users can enter these transactions via General Journal Entries, this Bank Transaction Form makes it easier and faster to accomplish - while still creating the appropriate General Journal Entries automatically. | |
Bill Form | 34000 | ||
Bill Payer Groups | 10100 | This is the Bill Payer Groups Form which allows you to view all Service Locations for the Bill Payer displayed in the Billing Address Form | |
Billing Address Change Form | tbd | This is the Bill Payer Form used to identify the appropriate Billing Address of the currently selected Subscriber's Service location. | |
Billing Cycles Report | 152 | This is the Billing Cycles Report dialog which will list those Subscribers that are billed within each of the Recurring Revenue Billing Cycles and for what they are being billed. To be able to access this report, you must have access to at least one other Accounts Receivable System report. | |
BillPayer Listing | 149 | This is the Bill Payer Listing report dialog which provides many options to specify which Subscribers may be included in the list of Bill Payers. | |
Bills Due Widget | 1176 | This is the Bills Due Widget Form which lists those Invoices for Purchases from Vendors which are currently Unpaid and that have a Due Date within a selected Date Range. | |
Bills on Payment Hold | 54000 | This is the Bills on Payment Hold report dialog which provides a list of the Vendors and the Invoices that have been placed on Payment Hold. | |
Bills -vs- Payments Widget | 1186 | This is the Bills -vs- Payments Widget Form which provides a Pie Chart view that compares the Dollar Value of the Bills (Invoices from Vendors) that were received and recorded, versus the Dollar Value of Payments (Paid to Vendors) that were made and recorded - in the Current Calendar Month. | |
Budget Adjustment | nlu | This is the discontinued Budget Adjustment Form which is used to modify Budget Line Item(s), as needed, to refine the Budget Calculations that were created using the Budget Declaration Form. | |
Budget Declaration | nlu | This is the discontinued Budget Declaration Form which is used to initialize, and subsequently produce the Budget Calculations required to create the Budget Declaration. | |
Budget Report | nlu | This is the discontinued Budget Report which provides a summarized Budget versus Actual listing of Sales and Expenses related General Ledger Transactions for the Current, the Quarter To Date and Year To Date Periods, based on the Options that are selected. | |
Calculate Inventory Item Cost | 495 | This is the Calculate Inventory Item Average Cost procedure which is used with the Average Cost of Inventory option is implemented (see the Inventory Valuation Methods chapter for detailed information), for all items identified as an Inventory Item, when the Price In (Average Cost) and (total in stock) Value displayed on the Sale-Purchase Item Form - must be (re-)calculated. | |
Call Info Lookup | | No longer used. | |
Call List Conditions | 634 | This is the Conditions Call tab available on the Subscriber Panel(s)area of the Central Station Data section of the Monitoring tab in the Edit View of the Subscribers Form. ▪It allows a User to identify an Alarm Condition Code which - when sent by the Selected Subscriber Panel(s) CSID - will utilize a customized People To Call List previously defined as such in the CSID Zone record that has the special combination of Signal ID and Panel Zone defined here. | |
Call List by Municipality | 10000 | This is the Call List by Town Code report which shows all the various Municipalities that are providing Emergency Responses to Alarm Signals. | |
Call List Verification Report | 156 | This is the Call List Verification Report used to notify Subscribers of the information currently on file at you Company's Central Station and request from those Subscribers any additions, updates and/or changes as may be appropriate. | |
Call Listing Report | 515 | This is the Calls Report dialog which allows you to view the time, date, comments and results of Account related Calls to Subscribers, Calls to Vendors, as well as Calls to Prospects - reporting both Incoming and Outgoing contacts. | |
Call Order Form | 157 | This is the Call Order tab in the Subscriber Panels section and is used to revise the sequence in which the People To Call should be contacted during the Notification process. | |
Call Types | 158 | This is the Call Sources Form that is used to define the various kinds of Telephone Contacts you want to track when documenting Calls to Subscribers, Calls to Vendors, and Calls to Prospects. | |
Calls Form | 180460 | This is the Calls Form used to create, update and complete the Telephone Calls made to, or by, Subscribers, Prospects and/or Vendors, and to view the history of those Calls. | |
Cash Flow Report | 1478 | There is the Cash Flow Report which provides a Statement of Cash Flow which reports the Description and Amounts of what increased/decreased the Value of your Company's Cash Assets. ▪To implement this Cash Flow Statement, certain General Ledger Accounts may be assigned to a Cash Flow Group (i.e., Financial, Investing, Operating) ▪Thereafter, the Cash Flow Report may be created for a designated Period (i.e., most recent Month, Quarter, Year); for the entire Company, or for a specified Division or Division Group. | |
Cash Receipts Allocation By Division | nlu | No longer used. | |
Cash Receipts By Employee | 545 | This is the Cash Receipts by Employee Report which provides the detail as to the Type of each Receipt (e.g., Check, Credit Card), the Date and Batch number used when those Receipts were posted, the actual Day they were Posted (if the Receipts entry were back or forward dated), from whom those Receipts came, and the Employee who Posted the Receipt. | |
Cash Receipts by Sales Category | 161 | This is the Cash Receipts by Sales Category report dialog which lists the paid and allocated dollar volume, and unit volume, of each Sales Category. | |
Cash Receipts by Salesman | 579 | This is the Cash Receipts by Salesman report that is produced based on a selected Date Range, Bank (into which the Receipts were deposited), and/or Division; and lists those Paid Sales by (selected or all) Salesperson(s), by Sales Category and provides other Sales Invoice, Receipt and Allocation information, as well. | |
Cash Receipts Report | 163 | This is the Cash Receipts Report Preview tab which lists when and where your Receipts come from. | |
Cash Receipts Report Dialog | 163 | This is the Cash Receipts Report options tab which allows you to specify exactly which Receipt(s) will be included in the detailed listing of when and where those Receipts were posted. | |
Cash Receipts Summary By Month | 587 | This is the Cash Receipts Summary by Month report which lists each (or a specified) Batch Number and Amount, and the Total Amount received for the specified Month and Year | |
Cash Receipt Search | 938 | This the the Receipt Search Form that provides the ability to look up a Receipt based on the Amount posted, Date posted, or the Check Number recorded. | |
Cash Receipts Totals | 541 | This is the Cash Receipts Totals report which creates a spreadsheet like list of (up to) the past five full years plus the current year for the value of the Receipts that were posted for each Month/Year. | |
Cash Requirements Report Dialog | 42000 | This is the Cash Requirements Report dialog which lists each of the outstanding Vendor Bills that must be Paid before a specified Date. | |
Cash Requirements Widget | 1187 | ||
Central Station Form | 10820 | This is the Central Station Data section on the Monitoring tab within the Edit View of the Subscribers Form where a monitored Account is initialized - below which the CSIDs and related information for this Subscriber may be entered in the Subscriber Panels section.. | |
Central Station Off-Line Date | tbd | This is the Central Station Off-Line Date dialog which, if the User has Access Rights, allows them to take an Account Off-Line, or to return an Account to an On-Line status. | |
Change Expiring Password | 614 | This is the Change Expiring Password dialog which is presented if the Passwords Expire? box is Checked in the Company Options tab on the User Options Form, and the allowable number of days to use the current Password has expired. | |
Change User Password | 168 | This is the Change Passwords Form in which a User may change their Password. | |
Chart of Accounts | nlu | No longer used. | |
Chart of Accounts History | nlu | No longer used. | |
Chart of Accounts History Graph | nlu | No longer used. | |
Chart of Accounts Report Dialog | nlu | No longer used. | |
Check Register | tbd | No longer used. | |
Check Register Report Dialog | 54100 | This is the replacement Check Register report dialog which lists all Check Numbers that have been used within a designated Date Range, including Bank Transactions, Hand Written Checks, and those that were Voided - for a selected Bank or for all of the Bank Accounts that you maintain. | |
Close GL Period Form | 174 | This is the Closing an Accounting Period (Period Close) dialogued for (re-)setting the Closing Stage (i.e., Open, Partially Closed, or GJ Only) of an Accounting Period, as needed. | |
Commission Adjustment Types | 231 | This is the Adjustment Types Form that is used to define the Types of Commission Adjustments that will be permitted within the Commissions Tracking System. | |
Commissions Approval (Invoice) | 112002 | This is the Approve Commissions dialog accessed by Clicking the Approve Commission Icon located on the Ribbon Menu of the Sales Form. | |
Commissions Adjustments | 622 | This is the Commissions Adjustment Form which provides several functions related to the Commission Calculation process including the ability to Look Up previously entered Commission Adjustments, to Add a Commission Adjustment, and to Delete a previously entered Commission Adjustment. | |
Commissions Approval | 623 | This is the Commissions Approvals Form which is used to do just that - Approve the Commissions, Bonuses and the net "Dollar" Value of the Banked Commission Points that determines the Commission Payment that is owed to the appropriate Salespersons and Technicians. | |
Communicator Format Form | 180 | This is the Communicator Format Form used to define each of the Communicator Formats being sent by your Subscriber's Alarm Systems. It also provides the only access point to the Panel ZonesForm - to access which, the User must have access provided, also. | |
Communicator Formats Report | 692 | This is the Communicator Formats report dialog and provides a list of all of the Communicator Formats that have been defined with options to include, the Panel Zones for each, the Subscriber's CSIDs that are using each format, and any comments entered for each format. | |
Company Settings | 623 | This is the Company Settings dialog accessed through the Company tab on the User Options Form where you may turn certain program features on and off. | |
Complete Signal | nlu | No Longer Used. | |
Condition Code History | 632 | This is the Condition Code History report which lists the number of Signals by Condition Code in descending order by volume, and offers a Summary or Detail version (which may be sorted by Control Panel Type or CSID), for All, or a Specified set of (one or more) User Selected Condition Codes. | |
Condition Code Resolutions | 633 | This is the Condition Code Resolutions Form found in the Monitoring section of the General Maintenance Menu | |
Conditions Codes Report | 594 | This is the Condition Codes List report dialog which includes all of the Conditions Codes that have been defined including their Reporting rules. | |
Contract Form | 9100 | This is the Contracts Form appearing as an option on the Subscriber's Subscriber Options Menu which allows the user to identify all of the Central Station Monitoring related Contract Types to which the Account has subscribed. | |
Contract Type Maintenance Form | 186 | This is the Contract Type Form which is used to define the types of contracts (for various Central Station Monitoring related services) which Subscribers are eligible to purchase. | |
Converted Proposals Report | 641 | This is the Converted Proposals Report Grid which provides a Grid (list) of those Proposals which were converted - within a specified Date Range - to an Invoice, Job, and/or Work Order. | |
Converted Prospects Report | 642 | This is the Converted Prospects Report provides a Grid (list) of those Prospects which have been converted - within a specified Date Range - to a Subscriber. | |
Convert Prospect | 188 | This is the Prospect Conversion Form (see this Convert Prospect dialog discussion) that is used to identify certain required Dates, Codes and Settings which are not entered on the Prospect Information Form but are required for a Subscriber record. | |
Credit Card Payment | 22601 (Anchor) | This is the Pay Bill Credit Card dialog accessible from the Bills Form Actions Menu (see the "Credit Card Pay" section in the Bills - Understanding the Bills Form chapter for more information). | |
Credit Card Balance Widget | 1202 | This is the Credit Card Balance Widget which provides a summary list in the form of a Grid with all of the identified Credit Cards in use (and their associated Balances) | |
Credit Card Reconciliation | 1477 | This is the Credit Card Reconciliation which provides a comprehensive Credit Card Reconciliation dialog with: i.Two sections at the top: 1) Statement Date and Amount plus Last Reconciled Balance, and 2) Totals for selected Charges and Payments and a Reconcile Now button; and ii.Two Transaction Lists: 1) the all open Charges for Bills and 2) the Payments made to the Credit Card Company (populated based on the specified Statement Date). | |
Credit Card Register | 648 | This is the Credit Card Register dialog accessible from the Register option on the Vendor Options Menu of the Vendors Form that contains a Grid with a list of all the previously posted Payments made on Bills using to the currently selected Credit Card (or Credit Card Company); and any Statements (entered as Bills to the Vendor) from the currently selected Credit Card Company. | |
Credit Cards | 649 | This is the Credit Cards Form accessible on the Payables section of the General Maintenance Menu which is used to identify those Credit Cards that will be used to make Payments for Bills, | |
Credits Issued Report | 193 ?? | This is the Credits Issued Report dialog which is used to report Credits that have been issued within the Accounts Payable System Receivable System. | |
Credits Issued Report | 54700 | This is the Credits Issued Report report of the Accounts Receivable System that lists what Credit Notes (aka Credit Memos) which have been Applied - within a specified Date Range - to Invoices | |
CSID Generator | 653 | This is the CSID Generator Form accessed from the Create Mass Accounts Form which is used to create the starting point for a numerical series of new CSIDs. | |
CSID Zone Lookup | | No Longer Used. | |
CSID Zones | 12800 | This is the CSID Zone (and CSID Zone Override) Data Entry Form found on the Subscriber's Central Station Data Form's menu. It is used to define specific details for handling Signals differently than what is defined in Panel Zones when a Communicator Format is assigned, or to define the Physical Zones pertaining to this Subscriber. | |
CSID Zones Lookup | nlu | No Longer Used. | |
Custom Fields | 197 | This is the Custom Tabs & Fields dialog which allows a User to add an additional tab with new fields to the Subscriber and/or Prospects Forms. | |
Custom Pay Increase | 196 | This is the Custom Pay Increase Form which allows you to modify the Pay Rate entered as a Custom Pay Amount on the Recurring Revenue Form used to define the Recurring Revenue fees for each Subscriber. | |
Custom Reports | 659 | This is the Custom Reports creation option. ▪With access to this Form assigned, the User is able to create new Custom Reports when printing Proposals, Statements, Invoices, and Service Requests. ▪Without access to this Form assigned, the User is only able to print the Custom Reports that have already been defined. | |
Customer Deposit Report | 662 | This is the Customer Deposit Report dialog displays a Grid with all of the designated Receipts listed (based on the Option selected) which may be Printed and/or Exported, as needed. | |
Customer Ranking Report | 661 | This is the Customer Ranking Report which provides a Bar Chart and Legend identifying the Top 5 (10, or 20) Customers based on one of three User selected criteria (Recurring Revenue, Invoices, or Receipts) within a User designated Date Range. | |
Database Backup | 143 | This is the Backup Database Form within MKMS which facilitates the copying of the database and log files used by this application to a separate location on your network. | |
Database Validation | 1074 | This is the Validate Database Form that is used to check that your database has no errors. | |
Dealer | 118 | This is the Dealer Form which is used to identify each Alarm Dealer for whom you are providing Contract Monitoring Services. | |
Dealer Breakdown Report | 92000 | This is the Dealer Breakdown Report dialog: ▪Summary format lists the number of Accounts that are on-line for each Dealer, and how many that are new, were canceled, reported, and did not report, within a specified Date Range. ▪Detail format includes the CSID, Subscriber, Report Frequency, Town Code, Date On Line and Last Signal Received information, also. | |
Dealer Code Listing | 596 | This is the Dealer Code Listing report dialog which is a simple report that itemizes each Dealer entered in the system. | |
Dealer Technicians | 10401 | This is the Dealer Technicians Form (which offers the same functionality as the Tech Details button on the Security tab of the Employees Form and on the Dealers Form) where the Names and related Password and Contact information of the Dealer Technicians who are employed by an Alarm Dealer, and are therefore allowed to perform service work on that Dealer's Accounts. | |
Dealer Users | 204 | This is the Dealer User Maintenance Form where the Dealer's Authorized Persons, who are to be permitted access to the Dealer Access Connection, must be identified. | |
Deferred Revenue | 667 | This is the Deferred Revenue (Daily View) which provides a listing in a Grid format of the pending Deferred Revenue records including the associated General Ledger information (those Recurring Revenue Sales Invoices that have yet to be recorded as fully Earned) which may be Printed as a report, and/or Exported to a Spreadsheet file. | |
Deferred Revenue Report | 217 | This is the Deferred Revenue Report dialog that provides a list of the pending Deferred Revenue records which may be Printed as a report, and/or Exported to an Excel style Spreadsheet. | |
Deferred Revenue Start Up | 678 | This is the Deferred Revenue Start Up dialog is used to properly initialize the Deferred Recurring Revenue feature within MKMS Accounts Receivable module and - if the General Ledger module is Registered - in the General Ledger System. ▪This option that only appears if the DeferRecurringRevenue option is set to False ("F") in Company Settings dialog which is accessible from the Company tab of the User Options Form. | |
Deleted Entities | 968 | This is the Review Deleted Entities Form (Only available to the System Administrator i.e., ADMIN) which offers a dialog that allows for the selection by Date Range - based on either the Deletion Date or the Document's Creation Date - of a List of those Entities (e.g., Invoices, Receipts) which have been manually deleted by an authorized User from within MKMS. | |
Departments | 208 | This is the Departments Form This is the Departments Maintenance Form used to create new Departments utilized by the General Ledger System where each Department's Names and their Department Numbers are defined. | |
Determine Excessive Services | 18810 | This is the Determine Excessive Services report dialog that, based on the parameters you enter, lists those Subscribers who have had an excessive number of Service Requests within a specified time period and includes each Subscriber, the Work Orders, the Technicians who performed the services, the Charges (or Costs) of providing that service and, optionally, the description of the Services Performed. | |
Disbursements Form | 210 | This is the Disbursements Form which is used to globally review all outstanding Invoices and then Check off those to be paid thereby completing both the Payments and the Allocation process in one step. | |
Dispatched Alarms Widget | 1188 | This is the Dispatched Alarms Widget which provides a list of the most recently Dispatched Alarms from your Central Station based on the selected Configuration Options for Dispatch Type and Date Range. | |
Division Groups | 9200 | This is the Division Groups dialog which allows you to identify those Divisions that belong to each of these Division Groups. ▪Each Division may belong to one or more Division Groups ▪Each Division Group may have any number of Divisions as members within that Group. ▪Certain Accounts Receivable System Reports allow for filtering, or for record selections, based on what Division Code is assigned to the Subscriber and the Division Group to which that Division Code belongs. These reports are: oAccounts Receivable (As Of) Report oAverage Recurring Revenue Report oAccounts Receivable Funding Report (discontinued) | |
Divisions | 18880 | This is the Divisions Form which is used to create new Divisions, and optionally, Custom Invoice Headers for each of those Divisions which may then be used within Accounts Receivable System to allow for the identification of Multiple Offices within the same Company, and/or for implementing Dealer Billing. | |
Documents | 212 | This is the Documents Form which allows certain types of electronic documents (and or the location of those documents) to be linked to, or attached to, a Subscriber, Prospect, Job Costing and/or Vendor record. ▪Additionally, there are several other places the Documents Form is available such as the Installed Equipment, Employees and Sale-Purchase Items Forms. | |
E-mail Invoices | 699 | This is the E-mail Invoices dialog which is presented when E-mail is selected as a Print Option on an Invoice Form, or from within the Print Invoices report dialog. Additional information pending. | |
Earned Commissions | 694 | This is the Earned Commissions Report which provides a list of the Sales Commissions, Bonuses, the Value of the Commission Points that have been Earned during a specified Date Range for All or a specified set of (one or more) Salespersons or Technicians. | |
Earned/Deferred Revenue | 217 | This is the Deferred Revenue report dialog which lists the Earned and Deferred Revenues that are automatically calculated as part of the Recurring Revenue Billing procedure. | |
Edit Pending/On Hand Values | 218 ?? | This is the Edit Warehouse Inventory Values Form allows you to (Re-)Set the rules for Re-ordering Inventory Items, and allows you to Adjust one or more of the Inventory Count(s) displayed in the Warehouse Inventory Form for an Inventory Item based on the results from taking a physical Inventory count. | |
Electronic Contracts | 697 | The is the Electronic Contracts maintenance Form which is used to define various Types of Electronic Documents (e.g., W-9 Form, Employee Alarm Installer License Application, Income Tax Organizer) that will be stored as a PDF file and be available, as needed, for providing information to Prospects, Subscribers, Vendors, Governments, etc. | |
Electronic Payments | 709 | The is the E-Payments Form with which the User may Validate and/or Authorize an E Check and/or Credit Card Payment for the currently selected Subscriber, Sales Invoice, and/or Service Request. | |
Electronic Signature | 90301 | This is the E-Signature field and associated dialog located on the Personal tab of the Employee Form. | |
Eligible for Service Contract | 219 | This is the Eligible for Service Contract report which has not pre-dialog (except a simple Y/N question) and then displays the report on-screen of all those Subscribers that may be sold a Service Contract. | |
Employee Appointment Editor | 702 | This is the New Appointment editor Form that is used to schedule an appointment which is to be included in the Employee Calendar. | |
Employee Appointment Widget | 1177 | This is the My Appointments Widget which lists - based on the selected Configuration Option - the Appointments for Today or the current Work Week (Mon - Fri) that have been previously entered for the current User. | |
Employee Codes | 221 | This is the Employee Codes List dialog which provides a list of all of your Employees and includes their Employee Type, Telephone Number and optionally, their Social Security Number. | |
Employee Group Report | 223 | This is the Employee Group Report which provides a list of all Employee Groups and optionally, the Form Names to which each are assigned access, the Access Rights for each Form and the Employee Members of each group. | |
Employee Groups | 493 | This is the Employee Groups Form which is used to define the Security and Access Rights for groups of Employees based on areas of responsibility and/or their specific job. Once the Employee Groups are defined, assigning that Employee Group to the appropriate Employee record (within the Employee Form's Security tab) will allow that Employee to inherit all of the Security and Access Rights assigned to that Employee Group. ➢Note: This task can only be performed by the ADMIN User. | |
Employee Hired/Terminated | 1550 | This is the Employee Trace dialog which is a fully functioning Grid dialog - accessed using the Employee Hired/Terminated option on the Reports Menu - provides a list of the Employees based on their Hire, Termination, or original Entry Date, and may then be viewed, sorted, filtered, reconfigured, printed, emailed, and/or exported. | |
Employee Maintenance Form | 225 | This is the Employee Form, including all of its tabs, used to define your Company's Employees, assign certain Security settings, and enter data relating to each Employee's acquired Skills, their Hourly Pay Rates, work Schedule, etc. Each module has its own unique data entry tab(s) that are filled in as part of the start-up procedures for that module. | |
Employee Schedules | 220 | This is the Employee Calendar Form which provides an easy to use interface that shows Employee Appointments and Tasks in the familiar Daily, Multi-Day or Monthly appointment calendar format, with Recurring Appointments and automatic Appointment Reminder functions included. | |
Employee Teams | 974 | This is the Sales Teams Form which is used to identify the "Sales Teams" that may exist within your Company. ▪If this Team concept is used within your Company, each Commission Eligible Salesperson or Technician must be assigned to a Sales Team (Employee Team) using the Drop-Down Selection List provided on the Security tab of the Employee Form. | |
Encrypted Data Edit/Entry | 708 | These are the Encrypted Data Edit/Entry sub-forms that are used in the Personal tab of the Employee Form, the Medical Information Form, the Auto Draft Setup form, the Acquisitions Form and the Bank Maintenance Form, etc., throughout MKMS to enter specific types of data in Secure Fields. | |
ePay Pending Transactions | 1048011 | This is the Pay Batch Pending Transactions dialog which is used for Editing the Pending Payment Transactions created when the InnoEPay system is your Company's Payment Gateway when (if) a User modifies existing Auto Draft Setup information and one or more Pending Payment Transactions exist. | |
ePay Review | 11180 | This is the ePay Review dialog's data grid provides a listing with All of the Data available for the InnoEPay Payment Gateway records. ▪These include Credit Card and Check Payments (Receipts), Payment Status and related information, any of which may be Printed as a report, and/or Exported (or Emailed) as an Excel style Spreadsheet. | |
Equipment Form | 18870 | This is the Installed Equipment Form which is used to identify all of the major components of a Subscriber's Alarm System (and other special features that are installed) including serial numbers, warranty expiration, description, location and the system type of each component. | |
Equity Breakdown Widget | 1189 | This is the Equity Breakdown Widget which provides a Bar Chart that displays up to a maximum of 5 General Ledger Accounts with the greatest Equity value - based on the selected Configuration Option. | |
Event Lookup | 237 | The is the Events Lookup dialog accessed from the Panel Information Menu on the |